Top 5 Facts about Christmas that you probably didn't know!

Merry Christmas all my happy readers. I wish you and your family a very happy and prosperous Christmas. May Lord Jesus grant you great wisdom and health.

So, let us come to our today's topic. After a lot of research, I have found some interesting facts about Christmas that you probably didn't know until you read this article. So, let us start.

Top 5 Christmas Facts that you didn't know by

#1. Christmas trees have a very long history.

The Christmas trees which we see nowadays have been used for a long period of time. These were first used by ancient Egyptians and Romans. They used evergreen trees such as fir for this purpose. Nowadays we decorate them with grizzly lights and fancy props but earlier it was totally a different case. Romans used to decorate these trees with fruits.

#2. The word "X-mas" is derived from Greek.

Most of the people wonder that from where is this word X-mas derived. It is originally derived from the Greek language. In Greek, the name of Christ starts with the letter "X" and that is the reason why it is named X-mas. As in English, it is "Christ"mas so in Greek it is "X"mas.

#3. Christmas was not always on the 25th of December.

While Christmas celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ, there is no mention of December 25 in the Bible. Most historians actually assume that Jesus was born in the spring. some historians believe the date was actually chosen because it coincided with the pagan festival of Saturnalia, which honoured the agricultural god Saturn with celebrating the gift-giving.

#4. Hanging Stockings started by accident.

Three hanged stockings.

Nowadays, it is a custom of hanging stockings on the eve of Christmas but you would be shocked by knowing that all this started by accident. Once there lived a poor man who could not afford his three daughters' living. So, one night St. Nick (a very generous man) dropped a bag full of gold through the chimney of his house. Co-incidentally it landed at the place where his daughter had left their stocking to dry.

#5. Jingle Bells was originally a thanksgiving song.

"Jingle Bells" one of the most sung and famous Christmas song was originally not written for the occasion of Christmas. James Lord Pierpont wrote a song called "One Horse Open Sleigh" for his church's Thanksgiving concert, then in 1857 the song was re-published under the title it holds today, and it eventually became one of the most popular Christmas Songs.

So, this is all for today. I hope you found this information interesting and helpful. Please do comment down your opinions about Christmas. You can even tell if there is any wrong information mentioned. I will try to change it as soon as possible. And also do comment down that you knew how many of the above facts. And I would wish you all a Joyful and Merry Christmas again!

Have a great day!

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    1. Thank very much for your precious feedback 😊. I will try to provide you with such information regularly.


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