"HARRY POTTER" - This is a name which according to me most of the people have heard. HARRY POTTER is a fantasy book series written by J.K. Rowling. This series has EIGHT sequels. The first one is Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. A movie has also been filmed on this book named Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.
This is the story about a young boy named Harry James Potter often called Harry Potter or only Potter. He belongs to a wizard family which was killed when he was just one year old by a very powerful wizard, which according to the witches and wizards must not be named, and they called him "ONE WHO MUST NOT BE NAMED". He is Lord Voldemort. Harry survived Voldemort's attack but got a curse mark on his head in the shape of lightning.

All the witches and wizards decided to leave harry with a Muggle (Non-Wizards) family. He was not treated well by his stepfamily. After a few years, he receives a letter from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry for getting admission into it. His family had kept this thing a secret from Harry that he was a wizard and did not want him to go to Hogwarts. But at last, they had to allow him to go. So this was the moment from where Harry's life changes. He gains a lot of new experiences like the ride of Hogwart Express which departs from platform Nine and Three Quarters. He makes some new friends. One of his best friends were Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley.
It is a very large and interesting story, if I get to describe all the points the review will become very large and moreover, it will not remain a review.
I would suggest all fantasy and adventure lovers to read this novel as it is one of the best fantasy novels. It also has many thrilling attributes. Though it is wholly a fiction story still while reading it I felt like it is a real story of a young wizard. If you choose to read it I would guarantee that you would definitely find it interesting and it would not disappoint you.
This book can even change Books-Haters to Books-Lovers. When I thought to read this book I thought that it is very large (as I thought when I was in class 6, but it is not really large) and would be boring but it was completely opposite.
If you are thinking to read this book I would like to warn you that only the first three sequels of this book are small; otherwise, last four sequels are really large as you can see in this picture:

I agree that the books are very large but don't get afraid of that, larger they are interesting they become. So do give this book a try and comment me down how was your experience and what were your likings and disliking about the book.
The only problem about this book is that a child of below 12 years of age would find it difficult to read as it has a quite complex or difficult English (Difficult words). I am telling this according to my experience, your thoughts may be different.
I would recommend a fantasy lover to definitely give this book a try. It is not one of those books which look interesting from outside but are boring. It LOOKS and IS interesting.
You can buy the book from the link below:
NOTE: IT IS NOT SPONSORED (because my blog is not so famous 😞)
So, this is all for today. I hope this review helped you a lot and please do comment down your experience about the book and which reviews shall I write in my future posts.
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