What is Science: Static or Dynamic

It is an age-old question, Is science static or dynamic? There have been a lot of debates on this topic and the results have varied. Today I am going to share my opinions on this topic. So, let us begin............. According to me, science is a mixture of static and dynamic nature. There is some part of science that is static and there is some dynamic part. "Science" is not simply a body of knowledge. Science can be referred to as an interactive and dynamic process of learning about the world. The basic 4 processes behind any science are: Observing Making a Hypothesis Testing/Experimenting Giving a Theory And this cycle keeps on repeating. These can be classified as the FOUR PILLARS OF SCIENCE, with any of these missing or the loop being stopped science will become static (ummmm, which it has become to some extent 😅, it is addressed later in the post ) If we take the example of the periodic table which we all have studied in our schools. It all started from 62 elements but...